Creating Space Project ran for a year from 2018, and brought together a group of women from various backgrounds and of all abilities to weave in nature. Once strangers to one another these women, some with no prior weaving experience, came together on a regular basis to weave all over the Central Coast in nature, share wisdom, and cultivate friendships.
At the end of that year we held some very successful exhibitions of works produced and we continued to weave until Coronavirus restrictions. The idea behind the project was to form connections and supports amongst the participants, but also showcase the amazing natural environments we have on the Coast, from bush, farm, rainforest, beach, mountain top, lakeside, to our urban parks and new buildings.
What came out of the project was much more than I had ever anticipated. The deep bonds of friendship, the personal growth of individuals and the way peoples lives blossomed and grew was amazing. Whole new friendships grew, people joined new groups from bushwalking, to permaculture to printmaking, some people went on to study and had new interests awakened. It was not just a creative journey but a healing and expanding experience for everyone involved in the project.
Creating Space Gallery