I have had a long and windy journey to get to this point in my life, hence the reason I chose The Vibrant Journeyer.

I have had several careers, lived in several countries, been a colour character, been a sad and grey character, been many roles and worn many hats. I had a long and successful marriage, until I came to divorce, so I’ve been through divorce, I have experienced through my family mental health, intellectual disability, injury, chronic pain and PTSD. At some point I arrived back at being an Artist. Something I was actually born to be and I finally got there.

I started working with schools, homeschool communities, youth, youth at risk, community groups, festivals, womens groups and as an artist in residence and recipient of grants. All the time working with community, youth, disability and women. Always as an artist. Then I decided to be qualified for the job I was already doing, and so here I am - a qualified Transpersonal Art Therapist and Counsellor.

Art Therapy has been a healing journey for me, it has opened my eyes and my heart. I have seen the journeys and transformations, and am so joyful to share this journey with you too.

If you want to know more about me as a person and an artist you can follow me on Instagram as lisamcarthuredwardsartist.